Kamis, 31 Januari 2019

Chapter 6 : Summary and Sugesstions

Content of Chapter 6 :
1. Purposes of practicum

§ To make the student  teacher be able to developing knowledge about technology for teaching practice.
§  To make the student teacher make a bigger connection with people from another country.
§  To make the student teacher be able to develop the teaching skills and pedagogy, the communication skills, and the English skills.
§  To make the student teacher be able to know the culture of other country.
§  To make the student teacher experience how to teach overseas.

2. Procedures of practicum

The Opening Teaching
1.      The teacher opens the learning by greeting and asking how the students are
2.      The teacher and student pray a religions by together before start lesson
3.      The teacher checks the presence of students
4.      The teacher presents the plan of learning activities and learning objectives
5.      The teacher associates present learning with previous learning,
6.    The teacher gives motivation to students by inviting singing

The Center of Teaching
1.      The teacher have any question to student about ASEAN understanding
2.      The Teacher show a lesson video about ASEAN
3.      The student say all ASEAN member countries from show lesson videos
4.      The teacher present lesson materials about ASEAN member countries
5.      The teacher invite all student to play ASEAN member countries inside lesson
6.      The teacher asks students about ASEAN member countries
7.      The teacher forms students into 5 small groups through playing together
8.      The teacher gives games and questions about ASEAN to each group
9.      The teacher assigns assignments to each group in the form of puzzles on the flags of countries in ASEAN
10.  The teacher explains how to do the task given in the form of a puzzle
11.  Students collect the results of the puzzle arrangement that the group works
12. The teacher evaluates the learning outcomes of students who are done by the group

The Clossing of Teaching
1.      With teacher guidance, students are asked to conclude learning that has been learned.
2.      The teacher provides reinforcement from the conclusions of the students.
3.      The teacher delivers the material at the next meeting
4.    The teacher ends learning by asking students to read prayers and say hello.

3. Outcomes of practicum
From this project, I have a lot of experience about teaching skills in different cultures, pedagogy, improving the quality of English, and increasing knowledge about the use of technology media in the classroom as in Udon Thani, Thailand. A special satisfaction when students who are taught have an understanding of what the teacher has taught. The word that I will always miss from them is "Yes, I understand teacher". That word adds to my confidence to become a future teacher especially a teacher in the ASEAN region. I hope from this program, can give motivation and spirit to teacher in build smart children in the world.

4. The Challenge of practicum
The obstacle that I found during this program was that there were some differences in Thailand. For example, it is constrained when communicating with other people. There are some teachers here who don't speak English well and they want to communicate with me. The teacher needs an intermediary teacher or student to convey his intentions. Likewise, I don't understand Thai well enough to communicate with teachers, students and other people around. However, thank God we understand each other's problems, usually we use google translate help to communicate.
Then another obstacle in the form of food taste that is different from in Indonesia. Slowly I tried to adapt to the foods that are here. Furthermore, the weather constraints are cooler when compared to Indonesia. You can use the vehicle by using a jacket or alma mater. Of all these constraints, it actually provides interesting and memorable stories and experiences during the SEA-Teacher project.

5. Overall impression
Learning that is implemented has been well equipped using supporting media. Although there are shortcomings that can be corrected for further learning. Students can enjoy learning both individually and in groups. Learning shows students who are active, creative, and talented with their friends. Teachers need to move actively in class to move students and provide better understanding so that learning materials can be well received. With the help of the class teacher who is always accompanying, finally learning can be done.

6. Sugesstion for future improvement
Suggestion :

Suggestion to Project :
The program that has been held now is good for improving the quality of professional teachers. It is expected that participants can seek experience and knowledge in the world of education. In the end, the experience received during the program can be applied in the community. As a suggestion, hopefully this program will grow, the empowerment of participants will increase, the supervision of participants will be increased, meeting the needs of participants during activities and other facilities to support this program.

Suggestion to lesson : 
  • Furry and active classroom, nice focus with object and content learning, but some student on back can’t control to focus on teacher
  •  Nice active classroom skill, have a try to explain some topic to students. But show the speaking down anf focus environment, emotion of your students. Should have picture for lesson more

Chapter 4 : Teaching Practice

Content of Chapter 4 :

1. Procedures of your teaching
Picture 1 : Teaching about ASEAN Contries member
In learning, I compiled learning in three stages, namely: the opening of learning, the core of learning and closing learning in accordance with the provisions of Indonesia. From that stage, I tried to combine with the rules here, namely applying 5 stages in learning. The teaching plan have step by step lesson as :
1. Warm up
2. Presentation
3. Practice teaching
4. Product
5. Sumarry
In addition, I am trying to apply learning with the SAINTIFIC method that is applied in Indonesia. In
this method there are several learning stages aimed at forming an effective and meaningful learning
process according to the age of student development. The steps in the SAINTIFIC method are:
1. Observe
2. Asking
3. Try
4. Reason
5. Communicate

2. Time management and organizing activities
Picture 2 : The prepare lesson
In accordance with the provisions of the school, this learning is carried out during one learning hour, which is 55 minutes. With details that 5 minutes for opening, 45 minutes for core learning and 5 minutes for closing learning.
In addition to delivering prepared learning materials, I formed a game and quotes to build students' enthusiasm in learning. I formed small groups to play puzzle images of ASEAN member countries. Formation of 5 small groups with each having 6 or 7 members. Each group received a puzzle and then arranged it. The fastest group to compile the puzzle will be the winner and receive gifts from the teacher in the form of candys. But all students will continue to receive candys as a form of student appreciation in learning.

3. Problem solving
Picture 3 : The students problem solving of puzzle
By using the SAINTIFICIAL method that is applied, students are able to learn well and create fun learning. The media used will support the realization of learning objectives. The media in the form of puzzles will test students' knowledge about ASEAN member countries and also enhance collaboration between students to work on the group's work. Students can observe the media used, try the media, reasoning learning material, ask questions about the material and convey what is known from the learning. Then the teacher can evaluate the learning outcomes through these 5 stages. As an authentic form of assessment.

4. Classroom management
Picture 4 : Student sit in the floor to study
I deliberately formed the class to be open with chairs and tables placed on the edge of the classroom. Student activities are held by sitting on the floor so students become more free to move. Both moving individually and in small groups. Through the application of management it turns out that the active level of students is increasing. Students can discuss and interact with their friends. Class design like this makes the learning process more interactive because teachers and students are more free to move in class. Overall, scientific learning goals that are active, innovative, creative, effective and fun can be realized.

5. Your overall impression in teaching
Overall, thank God I was able to deliver the material with prior preparation. all methods, plans for distribution, techniques, media used can be applied properly. so that good, active learning is created. innovative, creative, effective and fun. although there are still obstacles that occur in the class, both from the language of communication and the application of learning. it will still not reduce student learning enthusiasm. then there is one memorable moment for me, is when students hug me after the learning is complete.
Picture 5 : The finish lesson and take picture together

Chapter 3 : Teaching Plan

Content of Chapter 4 :

1. Curriculum related to your major
1.      Thai Language
2.      Mathematics
3.      Science
4.      Social Studies, Religion and Culture
5.      Health and Physical Education
6.      Arts
7.      Occupations and Technology
8.      Foreign Languages

According to the curriculum list above, there is a curriculum on social science. I made a plan for learning social science about the material of ASEAN member countries. The teacher uses a form of learning plan that is applied in Indonesia and then adjusted to the learning plan model here. In this material the teacher conveys learning using media images, videos and puzzles. This is intended to form an active, innovative and meaningful learning for students.

2. Teaching plan related to your major
I prepare learning about ASEAN member countries. From this learning it is expected that students can understand what ASEAN is, ASEAN member countries and the flags of each country. So in the teaching plan, I convey clearly the learning objectives, methods, learning topics, media and learning steps. I use the form of learning plan used in Indonesia by combining forms in this school.

Education unit             : BAN MAK KHAENG SCHOOL, Udon Thani, Thailand
Grade/Room                : IV / 1
Topic Lesson               : Understanding of ASEAN and ASEAN  member Countries
Time                            : 1 Hours / 55 Minutes

A.    Purposes of practicum
1.      By watching videos, students are able to know ASEAN's understanding well
2.      By watching videos, students are able to know ASEAN member countries well

B.     Topic Lesson
1.      To know ASEAN member countries

C.    Teaching Methods
Teaching Methods : Assignment, lecture, discussion, question and answer.

D.    Media, Tools and Learning Resources
1.      Learning Videos
2.      Pictures of ASEAN member countries
3.      Power Point to show materials
4.      Puzzle of flag ASEAN member countries pictures

E.     Step by step to Lesson Plan
Activity Lesson
Activity Description
Time Allocation
The Opening lesson
1.      The teacher opens the learning by greeting and asking how the students are
2.      The teacher and student pray a religions by together before start lesson
3.      The teacher checks the presence of students
4.      The teacher presents the plan of learning activities and learning objectives
5.      The teacher associates present learning with previous learning,
6.      The teacher gives motivation to students by inviting singing
5 Minutes
The Center of Leson
1.      The teacher have any question to student about ASEAN understanding
2.      The Teacher show a lesson video about ASEAN
3.      The student say all ASEAN member countries from show lesson videos
4.      The teacher present lesson materials about ASEAN member countries
5.      The teacher invite all student to play ASEAN member countries inside lesson
6.      The teacher asks students about ASEAN member countries
7.      The teacher forms students into 5 small groups through playing together
8.      The teacher gives games and questions about ASEAN to each group
9.      The teacher assigns assignments to each group in the form of puzzles on the flags of countries in ASEAN
10.  The teacher explains how to do the task given in the form of a puzzle
11.  Students collect the results of the puzzle arrangement that the group works
12.  The teacher evaluates the learning outcomes of students who are done by the group
45 Minutes
The Closing Lesson
1.      With teacher guidance, students are asked to conclude learning that has been learned.
2.      The teacher provides reinforcement from the conclusions of the students.
3.      The teacher delivers the material at the next meeting
4.      The teacher ends learning by asking students to read prayers and say hello.
5 Minutes

Udon Thani, January 21, 2019
                                                      Approved by,                                                       
                 Teacher                                                                               Co Teacher

  (AGUNG UTOMO)                                                         ( Jitlada Sichampa)                                        

Advisor Teacher

(Suneeporn Ubonchai)

Observation on Teacher (s) in the Classroom

Content of Chapter 3 :

1. Their planning for teaching
The teacher has a lesson plan consisting of:
1. Warming up
2. Presentation
3. Practice Teaching
4. Product
5. Summary and suggestion

The teacher makes a learning plan in a shorter form compared to the one applied in Indonesia. The learning plan contains learning steps and the material to be delivered. The teacher does not always pay attention to the lesson plans that have been made previously. The teacher uses the existing learning media and develops it in delivering the material. This shows that the learning delivered matches what happens in the classroom. Because we don't know the opportunities and challenges faced in the classroom. Nevertheless, the teacher has the ability to create a pleasant classroom atmosphere. With flexible learning the teacher strives to achieve the learning objectives as planned.

2. Their preparing lessons and materials
Before the teacher starts learning, the teacher ensures that all students are ready to learn. The teacher checks the presence of students at a glance without being mentioned one by one. There was no prayer activity in the classroom before learning because they prayed during the ceremony which was always held before entering class. In the preparation of the teacher before teaching, the teacher uses the media in the form of a book that is the guide to the material delivered. It does not appear that the teacher uses the written learning plan as a guide. The teacher continues the material before being delivered. In addition the teacher uses media and teaching equipment to facilitate the delivery of material. The teacher is very interactive in delivering material and using media.

3. Their teaching in class?
In the first week of the program is observation of activities in the classroom, especially the teaching and learning process. Learning in class starts at 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. afternoon. Every day there are 6 subjects with each one hour duration. In the class are equipped with adequate equipment, such as: infocus, fan, AC. Computers, learning media and learning equipment for teachers and students. This shows that this school has good facilities and infrastructure.
Every time the learning begins, the teacher provides motivation and checks the student's preparation. The teacher tries to provide interesting learning so that students do not feel bored. The teacher uses the teaching equipment available to deliver the taught material. The teacher sometimes punishes students who break the rules, of course this is an educational punishment. In addition, the teacher also uses other spaces for certain subjects, such as: computer lessons and English lessons that have their own learning space. Students show active learning, enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Like elementary schools in general, they always show the nature of children in class when studying with their friends.

4. Their measurement and evaluations?
There are three aspects of evaluation, namely knowledge, process, and attitude. For aspects of knowledge and process, the method used is to give written or exam assignments to students and then assess them. attitude evaluation is done by observing the development of student behavior and character and providing character education for each learning. the evaluation is authentic and ongoing. evaluation is carried out at the end of each class and outside class

5. Your overall impression on the teacher performance?
Learning that is implemented has been well equipped using supporting media. Although there are shortcomings that can be corrected for further learning. Students can enjoy learning both individually and in groups. Learning shows students who are active, creative, and talented with their friends. Teachers need to move actively in class to move students and provide better understanding so that learning materials can be well received. With the help of the class teacher who is always accompanying, finally learning can be done.

Chapter 5 : Aesthetics

Please remember that content is king, but design is queen. Y ou could write the most gripping articles on your blog, but if your site is...